Bad effects of condoms you don't know

In order for condoms to work well, you have to use them correctly, the whole time, every time you have sex, and they can take some getting used to.

You have to use a condom every time you have sex.

In order for condoms to be effective, you have to use a new one correctly every single time you have sex. That means putting on a condom before there’s any skin-to-skin genital contact, and keeping it on until you’re done having sex. If you only use condoms sometimes, or put them on halfway through sex, they won’t work as well. Having a supply of condoms and making sure they’re close by before you get busy can help you remember to use them.
If you’re looking for birth control that gives you round-the-clock pregnancy protection with minimal effort, check out the implant and the IUD, or take this quizto find the method that’s best for you. But remember, condoms are the only way to protect yourself and your partner from STDs during sex. So no matter what type of birth control you use, condoms are always a good idea.

Condoms can take some getting used to.

You may have heard that condoms take away some of the feeling during sex, or that stopp
ing to put on a condom kills the mood. Protecting your health is super important, but so is pleasure. The good news is, there are a few ways to make using condoms fun and sexy.
  • Practice makes perfect. The more comfortable and confident you are using condoms, the easier it’ll be to put one on in the heat of the moment.
  • There are a ton of different types of condoms, so everyone can find one that fits right and feels good. Some condoms are actually designed to make sex more pleasurable: textures like studs and ribbing, colors, flavors, and ultra-thin materials, and even special lubricants can all add to the fun.
  • Using condoms as part of foreplay can be sexy and exciting. You can keep kissing and stimulating each other while getting the condom out, and your partner can put the condom on and add lube. That way, the condom becomes part of the action instead of stopping the action.
Remember: the best part of using condoms is knowing you’re protecting yourself and your partner from pregnancy and/or STDs. And there’s nothing sexier than that.


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